Friday, February 28, 2014

Advantages of Using Railcar Equipment

If you’re in the business of shipping freight over land, you probably already know that railcar equipment is not just a luxury. For smooth transport, railcars often have to be moved across rail lines to maintain tight shipping schedules. Without railcar equipment, like Trackmobile railcar movers, this would be impossible to do in a timely manner.

Imagine, for a moment, that you have a train traveling north from Georgia with freight bound for New York and Chicago, respectively. At some point, you’re going to have to disconnect the cars headed to Chicago from the cars headed to New York. At this point, switching tracks becomes an issue. Say the cars headed for New York are in front, and the ones headed for Chicago are in back. Well, you just uncouple the ones headed for Chicago, let the train move forward on its way and move the Chicago railcars over to the proper rail line at a junction point.

That’s all well and good, if you have an engine standing by to pull them, but what if you don’t? Or what if there’s not a convenient junction point between the two lines? This can become a scheduling and planning nightmare very quickly if you don’t have the right equipment. Access to quality mobile railcar movers means that you don’t have to spend any excess time planning and scheduling, or waiting on junctions to clear.

Trackmobile railcar movers are the perfect railcar equipment for the job. Their benefits include added scheduling flexibility when moving freight, greater efficiency with handling and moving material on and off tracks, and versatility of use. You can use Trackmobile railcar movers on and off railroad tracks, depending on your needs. Briggs Equipment has the railcar equipment you need to keep your operation running smoothly and efficiently. For more information about purchases or rentals, call 1.800.833.5498 to schedule an appointment.


How Reliable and Helpful Are Railcar Movers?

If your business requires you to move railcars across lines for better, more efficient freight shipping, you really need to invest in purchasing or renting a few railcar movers. These amazing advancements in railroad shipping technology have improved the efficiency and speed of over-land freight shipping by leaps and bounds.

So, what are railcar movers? As the name suggests, a railcar mover is a vehicle capable of operating either on tracks or on roadways to move railcars around a rail yard or from one set of tracks to another. Trackmobile railcar movers are some of the most reliable, safe, and efficient mobile railcar movers available.

Because Trackmobile railcar movers are lightweight, they actually use the weight of the railcars they’re moving to steady themselves and create traction. Counterbalancing features like this ensure that you’ll be able to move your railcars wherever you need without any risk to the safety of your crewmembers, your railcars, or your freight.

Because Trackmobile railcar movers work equally well on and off railroad tracks, they make it incredibly easy to move freight wherever you need to put it, without the added time and labor of unloading, reloading, and/or switching tracks at junction points.

Railcar movers provide the most reliable means of moving freight anywhere you need it. With features like hydraulic brakes, weight transfer couplers, and on- and off-track wheels, as well as safety features like lighting, a back-up alarm, and fully-enclosed driver’s compartment, Trackmobile railcar movers are the best solution for your freight handling needs, especially if you run a smaller yard and do not want to incur the excess expenses that come with switcher locomotives.

Through Briggs Equipment, you can purchase or rent new or used railcar equipment of all kinds, including Trackmobile railcar movers. Call 1.800.833.5498 to schedule an appointment.
